I am in love, and it is both wonderful and miserable. This long distance thing is slowly killing me, but I have high hopes for next year. I am also constantly thinking about how magnificent winter break will be, and that is keeping me distracted. A whole month with my boyfriend in town! God bless. Hopefully I will get to see some other sparkling faces though too. Wheeeee! I am definitely making a list of things that I will need to do... I mean aside from planning out my future. That has to happen in December too. I'm considering transferring.. also, I need to sign a lease. Let's just not talk about that until December though.

In other news, college has been going good. I'm definitely not living the typical college life, but it's working out pretty well for me. I like having space, so I think not living in dorms is probably a blessing. On the down side, I still haven't made any college friends.. but that doesn't really bother me. I don't find myself having a whole lot of free time, and there are still plenty of old friends here that I can hit up when I do need to see smiling faces. Speaking of which, I went on the art trip with my darling dear McKennah this weekend. That was a blast. It was a pretty exhausting day, but I had lots of fun touring Minneapolis' art offerings and catching up with my friend. We talked lots about having cute boyfriends and the future, so it was great to share all of my cutesy hopes and dreams with another squirrelly crazy gf.
Today was pretty good for a Monday. I start my week off with my favorite class, Intro to Psychology. It puts me in a good mood because it makes me excited for the future and just learning in general. After that, I forced myself to stay on campus in between the waiting period for my next class so that I could work on an essay, and I actually got a lot of work done! Whoo! Once classes were finished, I came home, ate a lot of dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, and immediately fell asleep. I am still feeling rather drowsy from my afternoon nap despite being awake for the last two hours.. which I guess is okay since it's pretty much my bedtime already. By bedtime I mean time to turn off the lights and watch Netflix for three hours.
So what's been going on in your life lately? Anything exciting? I got two Christmas gift-guide emails today, so I guess we're officially skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving. Haha, jk. I definitely need to find some Halloween plans. If I wind up alone on Halloween, I will probably be very sulky because my Halloween last year was so cute and wonderful. Also, I really really need to dress up. I think it would be fun to go to the casino dressed up all spooky, but I guess you and I will both have to just wait and see what happens!

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