Sorry that I have been so absent this week, my friends. It's homecoming week at my school, and things have been a little busier than usual. Thursday was my only day that I had no projects to work on in the afternoon, and I was going to work really hard to stock up some blog posts for you guys, but then I immediately crashed the moment I got home. I was actually very upset about it. I could really just use a day to get my own projects done and work on tidying up my life, but I guess that'll have to wait.

No one expects much from our football team, so it was sort of a great surprise when we actually won the game --much less our homecoming football game. In addition, the weather was perfect. I used to go to a lot of football games when I was younger, and they were either spent sweating and running away from mosquitoes or freezing under twelve layers of clothing. But last night, -it was actually nice outside. One of our friends, and one of the kindest people you'll ever meet, was crowned homecoming queen too, so overall, I'd say that portion of the evening was pretty successful.
The next two hours were spent sitting in a very little car. We drove around on a hunt for cookies to satisfy our driver's ever present craving for Subway. Unfortunately, Subways start to close around this time of the night, and we reluctantly decided to settle for McDonald's cookies instead. Then, somehow, over the next 10 minutes, we managed to abandon one of our comrades in a parking lot and almost break the bones of another. Needless to say, it was a very eventful scene, and we decided it might be best to finally choose a destination for the remainder of the evening.
We always have plans to do fun things when we arrive at someone's house, but now that school's in full swing again, we mostly spend this part of the evening moaning about how tired we are. Last night, we actually fell asleep though. My friend has a full-sized mattress, and we decided that it would be best if the five of us "sardined" onto the bed and closed our eyes for a minute. Two hours quickly passed, and when we woke up, one of us had fallen to the floor. I was trapped in the middle, and though I was mildly dying with all of my "lets sit outside for a football game" layers on, I think back on our group cuddle party with fond memories.

Anyways, tonight is the dance. ....I'm sort of really dreading it. Actually, I just have too many mixed emotions about the event, and it's hurting my head. In the past, homecoming has always turned into an evening of disappointment for me. It's right at the beginning of the school year, so I always have some stupid crush on someone, and I'll go to the dance thinking this is where things will finally turn around, but then I just realize that they're actually not into me at all. Last year, I was also dying, so I think I danced with about two people the whole time I was there. I'm not exactly worried about any of that happening this year, it's just left me sort of scarred by the event in general. I'd actually prefer if boys just left me alone this round. It's weird being a senior and not having anyone older than you in the building. There are a lot of creepy kids who have been hitting on me lately, and I'm mildly concerned that tonight could become a culmination of awkward encounters. .... I'm probably over thinking this all way too much. Part of me is definitely excited to go. I love dancing, and it's going to be a lot of fun hanging out with my gal pals, but I'm allowed to complain about my concern of being harassed by scary little kids, right?
Then there's the boy thing.
I've definitely been crushing on a few people this year, and my affections have certainly been redirected since the last time I wrote to you guys, but... I actually think I'm just in a rush to replace my best friend/secret love/worst enemy/bundle of a mess that I broke things off with this summer. I've been really sad about it this week and just thinking about it is gonna make me tear up. It's weird, because I know that in the end he was a total asshole to me. I 100% acknowledge that, and I know that what I did was for the best, ..I guess I just miss the companionship. I saw him almost every single day, and I've never been close with anyone like that. ***takes a second to compose myself*** I don't miss him. I miss the friendship. It's just really screwing me up in the boy department.
So anyway, tonight will most likely be a blast. If I tell myself to be positive about it, it will probably be great, right? Lol, I can already feel the heartbreak coming on. LORD HELP ME. I feel like I'm writing the most stereotypical teenage novel ever. If this post was embodied as a book, it would have a pink sparkly cover with blue font that said something about best friends, romance, and rejection. The good news is that my dress is really cute, and I will be eating chicken strips to suppress my post-homecoming sadness. Hahahah, OH TO BE YOUNG.

How is your week going? Do you have any drama going on lately? Feel free to scold me over my irrationality in the comments down below. Or maybe send me some good juju for the evening to come. I'll be back tomorrow to tell how you how the evening unfolded, SO STAY TUNED; I know you're just dying with anticipation..... ***jumps off a cliff***
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