Overall, the dance was pretty lame. I wasn't feeling that great by the time we arrived, and as it turns out, most of my friends seemed to have picked up some bug from our giant cuddle session. We decided to leave early and go out for food,- which was definitely a good decision. If you've read most of my past Dear Diary posts, you know that friendship is something I really value. I feel like those moments are when I'm the happiest --moments spent laughing and playing or even moments spent in silence; there's just something better about being surrounded with a group of people you enjoy. Over the summer, I found myself slowly fitting into this new circle of people, and it's weird how the friends I've known for the last seven years are people I rarely see anymore. I mean, I'm still pretty close with a lot of my old friends, I just never expected to be this close with such a different group of people.
..There's a bit of a problem though. I feel like Raven Symone. I have this vision of how things are going to turn out, and by preventing this situation that I fear, I'm probably going to cause it to occur. Things are so perfect right now, and I just don't want to mess it up. Maybe I should hit up one of my "old friends" to help me mentally sort things out.
ANYWAYS -- Now it's Sunday. The sun is shining, and I am free of homework. My stomach is not doing so good, but I'm excited for a day of productivity. I just need a hair mask and four cups of tea and I'll be set.
If you ever have suggestions for future posts, or if there's a topic you really want to see on The Loser's Guide to Life, feel free to leave a comment or message me on tumblr! I think you'll like what I have in store for October, but until then, I hope your September ends smoothly.

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