I want to formally thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. I really appreciate getting your responses and feedback, and it means the world to me when you write cute little things in my ask box. If you are ever looking for a new friend you can contact me at esmith55987@gmail.com or at my ask box on tumblr. You can also find me on twitter, my reblog blog, or instagram.

     I was thinking about doing a post where I answered your questions on this blog, because I have been getting a lot of questions on my tumblr lately. If you having any questions about anything ( the giveaway, makeup, my life, etc.. ) you can email them to me or ask them on my tumblr, and I'm going to answer them all later this week in one collective post.

     And as I said before, always feel free to contact me. If you are looking for a new friend or you just really need someone to talk to, you can definitely come to me. My tumblr is welcome to anons, so if you want to be anonymous, you can go right ahead.

Thanks again for being so wonderful. xoxoxoxoxo. 


© elainalosersmith 2015. All rights reserved.


If I used any of your images, and you would like them taken down, please message me.
