So tonight one of my ex-crushes/current friends texted me to inform me that he reads my blog and he didn't appreciate that I mentioned powning him at his own video games. Being as I didn't know that he read my blog at all, I was spurred into a rather nostalgic trip down memory lane and back through this year's Dear Diary posts to find out just how much I have shared with the internet this year. I'm not even slightly embarrassed. If anything, all of it has made me a little sad that high school is ending so quickly. So much has happened and yet it feels like I haven't done much of anything. I'm overly excited for summer to get here so I can pack each day full with lasting memories before I never again see so many beloved faces (I suppose I'll see them next summer, but things won't be the same and that's not quite as dramatic). This is also brought on by the knowledge that we only have 9 days left of school, and my last high school choir concert was tonight. I'm feeling very reminiscent. Speaking of only nine days left, I should probably get going on my English project...

              Goals for this summer:
              - don't lie in bed all summer
              - make some money
              - get healthy
              - beat Alex at more things
              - and the various fairly obvious unmentionables that I will leave to the imagination because of my newfound concern for discreteness due to the reader database...

      All I can say is that I have my fingers crossed for wonderful memories and later late nights. These requests seem simple to ask of myself. Last summer feels like a dream, and I hope this one's even better.
      I'm going to try and post a lot more this summer. Blogging has brought nothing but good things my way, and laughing over past memories has made me wish that I would have recorded more. Once I figure out how to block my mom from this website entirely, I'll be all yours.

Drawing Supplies


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