4/30/14 7:13 PM
How is it already the last day of April?? This can not be possible. I feel like it was just last week that I was wishing for March to roll around. **deep sigh** Ooooooh goodness...4/30/14 7:13 PM
For a day with so much lame stuff going on, today was pretty good. Today was the first day in months that I had to wake up to an alarm. I haven't set one since I switched back to online school in January, but lucky me, today I got to go complete my junior-required state testing. Lol, I don't know why I even went. I spent about 40 minutes on the test and the instructor had told us it was supposed to take around 3 hours to complete. On a side note, the girl who sat next to me must have been at least 6'5". Like the minute she walked into the room I assumed the only reason she was taking online classes was because she was working full time as some boho-glam model.
Once I got picked up from testing, my dad and I sat in a hospital waiting room for about an hour waiting to get my routine blood work taken care of. I guess there was only one lady working in this department today because it took forever. It wasn't too bad though because there was this cute little girl in the waiting room, and she was rather entertaining to watch.
When we got home I laid in bed and watched the rain falling outside. I figured I would probably fall asleep, but surprisingly, I have managed to stay awake all day, lol. I've been taking multiple naps every day for at least the last week and a half. It sounds like the life of luxury, I know, but it's actually awful! I haven't been able to accomplish anything. No school work gets done; no blogging gets done. I just wake up tired and then groggily mope about my house for the rest of the day. Hopefully I'll pass out of this phase soon. Maybe it's only due to all the rain we've been getting lately. I probably just need some May sunshine to perk me up.
Other things I really need: a boy. Hehehe, needless to say, I've been spending a lot of time in my head lately. Today I realized that the last time I shared any mutual affection with anybody was in eighth grade (and let me tell you, it's not like that was anything exciting either). This is a problem. 1) I need to practice developing relationships for the "real world", and 2) I just need someone to watch Netflix with me and tell me i'm cute. ((**dramatic Gatsby voice** Is this too much to ask?)) The problem is that I don't have anyone I want to pursue things with. Maybe someone will magically fall in love with me at prom? Maybe I'll come across a witch who's looking to trade romance for my firstborn child??? I mean I'm seventeen --a short summer romance has got to be in my cards, right? **cough cough** E l a i n a S m i t h n e e d s a l i f e. ..I should probably just promise myself to force things to happen if they don't start happening soon. We should all probably just spice up our lives a little bit.
Now onto blog news.
I've been thinking of summer-long projects I could introduce on this blog for June, July, and August, and I need your guys' opinions. I'm thinking I want to start using this blog to record more of my life (as in potentially posting these Dear Diary posts daily), and hey, maybe if I start publicly journaling more and more, I'll feel obligated to live a more fruitful & exciting life! Anyway, do you think this is a good idea?? Do you enjoy this little glimpse into my slowly recuperating life? I've also been pondering the idea of potentially incorporating videos into my blog somehow. Maybe a weekly vlog sort of thing.. I'm not sure. What are your opinions? ALSO, do you have any other ideas for things I could have consistently going on this summer (blog-wise at least)? If you've been reading my blog for awhile now, you might remember that I did a weekly book club last summer. While I certainly don't read enough to take that on again, it was a fun idea, and I'd be totally open to exploring something similar. Let me know what you think! And you should totally tell me about your April too! I hope it was just absolutely splendid -- Here's to an ever better May!
I really like the way you write; i'll like to see more :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to the cinema to se a french film call ''blue'' the bad thing is that i'm going alone ; i used to have a boyfriend *goes here and there all the time* but a few months ago he broke up with me, so if i want to go out i'll go with my friends but none could go, so i'm going alone I fell about weird about it , never gone to the cinema alone but hey there is always a first time. school was great i guess and believe me I also wish that maybe in prom someone will confess their love towards me or that my ex could dance with me that's all i ask just one song, god i sound pathetic .
Hope you have a nice day <3
I hope you have a great time at the movies! I would go by myself all the time if it wasn't so spendy! Watching a movie on the big screen is so exciting, and sometimes I just like feeling all those associated emotions by myself.
DeleteBest wishes on your upcoming prom night!
i think its a great idea, i love reading about your life, love! and a book club would be funnn. I really want to start reading more since im gonna have so much time of doing nothing this summer. april sucked bc school but after May 6th i think my life will get alot better (bye bye high school, i never liked u.) but were about to get our yearbooks soon and i'm excited about that. i'm rambling and have no idea where im going with this, but you should totes do posts like this more often!! and a vlog would be awesome <3
ReplyDeleteLucky you, I don't get out until June! (oh and then there's all of next year too... whoops)
DeleteThanks for the input, Emmaline!