Dear Diary
3/12/14 6:19 PM
Greetings, folks; it's Wednesday. How have you been? I feel like I haven't written anything here recently, but I guess there hasn't been much to share. I've mostly just been sitting at home watching the snow melt... oh so patiently waiting for spring.
My friend left for vacation across Europe this week, and it's been forcing me into communicating with other people. I think it's probably a great thing. I needed a break from him anyways, hehe. Well today I hung out with my old compadre Summer and it was just the greatest. We talked about boys and life and the future. Her boyfriend is perfect. I just want them to get married tbh. I'm also thinking about inviting people over on Friday for a game night of sorts, but do people even play games together still? Can I invite teenagers over to play board games? Regardless, it would probably just turn into a girly gossip session either way.
Oh and I went to the doctor yesterday. If you follow me on tumblr, you may know that I was not looking forward to this visit, but I think I've finally really started to come to terms with my illness. It felt so... out of place having a diagnosis after not knowing anything for so long, but the people who have been taking care of me are really just the sweetest, most gracious souls ever, and being angry about it isn't going to do any good. They're starting me on some new meds next week. It's chemo basically but nowhere near the dosage someone with cancer would be taking. I think my parents were kind of saddened by this news, but the way I see it is that if we're just doubling up on all these medications, then hopefully I'll just get better faster.
In other news, I'm thinking of making a zine. I sold my first art-themed care package this weekend, and it inspired me to get off my butt and make something new (as seen below). Well I've decided that I really like how it turned out, and I think it would be cute to compile a bunch of similar pieces into some sort of story. What do you think??
As always, I hope you're having the bestest week, and I hope March is treating you well!
((....I've decided that to go along with the board game thing. Wish me luck.))

I would so go and play board games. apples to apples & loaded questions are good for parties, too. sorry about your treatment,that must suck.
ReplyDeleteCommunicating with other people when the person you normally communicate with is out of reach is THE WORST.