Hello & happy Sunday!
Good news, friends. I didn't completely waste my short break from school.. I didn't get a whole lot done though either. Luckily I still have a good eight hours to be productive, and maybe I'll actually accomplish some important tasks today. I should probably decide right now not to hang out with friends this Friday. I really need to devote some time to college stuff, and I have the ACT next weekend too **insert picture of me sobbing here**. SOMEONE REMIND ME WHY I THOUGHT TAKING THE ACT AGAIN WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA??? Four out of the five classes I'm taking right now are arts classes, and I haven't been studying at all; there is absolutely no way I'm going to be able to improve my score. To be quite honest, I'm considering hiding at a cafe for a couple of hours instead of taking the test and then just telling my mom that I got the same score. Maybe I just need a reward system - I need to have something fun planned for after the test. A couple of my friends are retaking it as well, so maybe we can all celebrate it being over together. Maybe I'll just take a couple days off of school this week to study. ..It wouldn't be the worst idea.
I'm glad I'm writing this post. It's helping me put the week into perspective.

We got out of school early on Wednesday for teacher meetings, and so my friends and I hung out for a good twelve hours that day. Not to mention, MY HEART IS MELTING. Ugh, I've crushed on people before (duh - that's like half of what I write about in these posts), but this is just weird. My heart is like really melting. The only problem is the kid that I'm into is very (what's a good word to describe it..) timid around me, and so I never really know where we stand. I think I just over think it too much because he doesn't say a whole lot. ..Things are good.
Thursday was even better. The weather was perfect, and I spent about 4 hours walking around outside. Then I met up with my friends again and more fun ensued. I learned how to play Blackjack and Texas Hold 'Em, we planned out our Halloween adventure a little bit, and then we went to Taco Johns for dinner. THAT'S ANOTHER THING - tacos. Hahah, this kid (the one melting my heart) used to have a crush on me in 8th grade, and everyone at school knew that I liked tacos, so he'd always ask me if I wanted to go to Taco Johns with him sometime. I was really into someone else way back when, so I promised him that we'd go someday before we graduated so that he'd sort of drop the whole thing. Over the last four years, my best friend and I would joke about it from time to time and talk about how we should invite him out sometime, but now it has actually happened. Hahaha, It's like some sort of prophecy has come true. I don't really talk to the girl I was best friends with in 8th grade anymore, but I'm probably going to have to hunt her down sometime this week, because I feel like she would really appreciate the significance of this.
On Friday, he picked me up and we went to a corn maze. It was "flashlight night", so all of the lights that usually border the corn maze were turned off, and it was pretty impossible to see much of anything. I was really hesitant about going because it was sort of freezing that night, but it turned out to be a blast. My parents spent the night out of town on Friday, so after the corn maze, we met up with the rest of the group at my house, and I laughed my butt off watching them battle each other in Mario Party.
On Saturday, I did some therapeutic shopping with one of gal pals. My goal was to hunt for some wings for my Halloween costume, but I couldn't find any that would work well with the look that I was trying to pull off. ..Now I'm not sure what I want to be for Halloween. The good news is that I got a really great rain coat from the children's section at the thrift store we went to for $3.
When I got home, I decided that it would be a good idea to avoid all of the things I needed to be working on some more and rearrange my room. My room is a cluttered mess, so I'll probably wind up finishing this process in a year or two.

Now it's Sunday. I need to work on my room some more, get my homework done, and figure out my game plan for this week. You know what I should treat myself to after the ACT? A trip to ValleyScare. I live about 2 hours away from an amusement park called ValleyFair, and I guess they turn it into a spooky Halloween-themed event on the weekends as their season starts to wind down. The only problem is that there are only two weekends left (and I'll be busy all of Halloween weekend), and I can't exactly just drive myself up there on Saturday. I'd have to convince someone to go with me. ..I guess there are a couple of problems. Hmm.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.
Other things I need to do this week:
- finish some art projects
- pick out a Halloween costume
- decide if I'm dyeing my hair green
- eat a lot of garlic bread
How has your week been? Have anything worth sharing? ... Or maybe a spell to help me do well on the ACT??? Either way, I hope your fall is going well! Halloween is almost here, folks!

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