Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately. In case you didn't know, I started my senior year of high school last week, and it's just been a roller coaster ever since. I promise I'm going to work really hard this weekend to get a bunch of posts ready for when I don't have time to create new content for you guys, but for now, this is what you get.

So last Wednesday was our first day. Overall, school has been great. I actually enjoy being there. I came home on Friday and was actually a little bit disappointed that I would have to wait all weekend before I could go back. This was a very short-lived moment of sadness though, because I had a little get together with some of my friends later that evening. It was the first time my two different friend groups melded together, and it actually went pretty well. We fed horses, ate pizza, and ... were real-life teenagers. Hahah, there were a lot of couples there too, and as one of the few single people in the group, it was weird watching everyone be all enamored and cuddly and touchy-feely with each other. THE GOOD NEWS? Apparently the boy I like likes me back. I feel like a sixth grader when I say it like that, but the truth is that I am a sixth grader when it comes to romance and relationships. I haven't really been into someone since I was in middle school, and the whole "dating thing" just wasn't on my radar throughout the whole "dying thing". ..But now I'm not dying and the boy I like likes me back. Maybe.
So between hardcore crushing on someone and being healthy for the first time ever, my life is going pretty well. I'm overwhelmed by excitement, and I kind of just constantly wan't to throw things across the room. Or sing and dance at every waking moment. All of my classes are perfect, and it feels like everything is falling into place. Maybe it's just the universe paying me back for all the shit I've been through over the last 6 years, and all the good moments are just going to be squeezed into this grand finale of my career as a high schooler.
Here's how my classes are lined up for this 1st quarter:
- 1st Hour: Painting 1
- 2nd Hour: Teacher's Assistant for 3D Design
- 3rd Hour: Economics
- 4th Hour: Concert Choir
- 5th Hour: AP Senior Studio
Basically, everything is perfect. My only "real" class is Economics, and it's actually rather enjoyable. I'm learning a lot, and the teacher is very fun. Fun fact: I actually have the third highest GPA in my class, but, as you can see, I've ditched the smart kid life. I don't know where things mentally came together for me, but I just know that art is what I want to do with my life, and art classes are more essential to me than the AP classes I've spent the last three years prepping for. Luckily, my school is one of the very few schools in Minnesota that offers an AP art class, and OH LORD I am oh so grateful. Our school's main art teacher retired over the summer, and I was really nervous that all of my art classes would be awful and that I wouldn't learn anything, but I actually like my new art teacher so much more. She has such a passion for what she's doing, and I feel as though there's so much I'll be able to learn from her. Everything is just exciting, friends.
I'm healthy. Someone's already asked me out on a date. My classes rock. My friends rock. The only thing that sucks is my skin. It's not happy about my new routines. Fortunately, I think I will manage.
I'd love to hear about how your life is going though too. If you're still in school, let me know how your new year has started, and if not, tell me about whatever you have going on! Also, if you like these Dear Diary posts, let me know. They're easy to write, and I would be happy to post them more regularly if you guys like reading them. If you have other blog post ideas, I'd be happy to hear those as well. Leave a comment down below or write me a little letter at esmith55987@gmail.com!
I hope your life has been beyond spectacular. Until next time, MUCH LOVE - E

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