Hello, amigos. Sorry that I have been so inconsistent with my posts lately. Who would think that I'd actually be getting out this summer?! It's been pretty weird. I've been meeting lots of new people - going lots of new places. I think things will probably slow down a bit after this week, so hopefully I'll get some really great posts out to you then!

So it's Steamboat Days now here in my little river town. It's sort of like a carnival/fair of sorts, and I think it goes on through Monday. Anyway, I sort of treat it like it's a holiday. I guess it's generally just a nice way to start off summer and a good reason to get out of the house. It's still getting set up today, but hopefully I'll get down there a bunch and have fun things to share with you all by the end of it. The downside is that I also have to take my ACT this weekend, lol. PLEASE WISH ME LOTS OF LUCK, FRIENDS; I am so under prepared.
Tonight I'm actually going to see my best friend's band play and then venturing off to a chaperoned "rave". ... Yeah. I'm not quite sure how that'll turn out. I'm excited to see some gal pals, but I really have no clue what to expect.
What else have I been up to lately? It feels like it's been forever since I've written a Dear Diary post. Yesterday I went to see some live music and then ventured around town with my friend, Jack. We've been getting along really well lately, which is great but also depressing because he'll be leaving for college soon. I've also been hanging out with an old friend from another school in my town, and that's been pretty nice too. Friends are just great ya know? I've been confused a lot lately, because it feels like everyone around me is either falling in love or looking for their summer romance, and it's something I'm just not interested in at all. But good friendships?.... I just really value being able to feel comfortable around others and being able to share myself like that. MMM. Hearts and hugs for everyone.

SO WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? Really. Tell me. I want to hear how your June is going! Is your summer flying by? Have you already messed up your sleeping schedule to power through Orange is the New Black? Let me know.
Best of luck on your ACT!! I need to get mine set up. I feel like I'm way behind the average rising senior.
Saaaame. I'm trying to work on the whole approaching adulthood thing this summer.