If you follow me on tumblr, then you may know that I've been hinting towards another giveaway. Well here it is! This giveaway includes some of my favorite things ever. For one, I decided to put in some of my favorite NYX products, and 500 Days of Summer is one of my favorite movies! Not to mention I'll be including two John Green books ( my favorite author ). They're not pictured above because I ordered them from Amazon and they haven't arrived yet. I thought they would be here by now, but I promised I'd have this post up tonight. Along with that we've got $100 in cash!!! Woohooooo! This giveaway will also include a $100 ModCloth e-giftcard! Not only will you score some cash, you can also win some clothes money! This giveaway is open internationally, so everyone is welcome to enter!
Full list of prizes:
Lust Gorilla Perfume / Kitty Coin Purse
500 Days of Summer / The Fault in Our Stars / 2 Vintage Necklaces
$100 Cash / $100 ModCloth Gift Certificate / Vintage Journal
3 NYX Lipglosses / 1 Soft Matte Lip Cream / GUD Body Wash
John Frieda Mousse / Estee Lauder Cleanser
Eyelid Primer / Face Primer / Looking For Alaska
How to enter:
There are multiple ways to gain entries in this giveaway. You don't have to do every option to be qualified, but for every entry you earn, you are increasing your chances of winning. However, I will be choosing the winner entirely at random, but by earning more entries, you will increase your chances.
I want to say thank you so much to all my readers! I have met so many kind people through this blog, and I am looking forward to meeting more! This giveaway is for you folks!
The giveaway ends on August 31st, and it is open internationally! Good luck!!!!
with $100 i would probably either add it to my saving for my florida trip, or blow it all at forever 21. (most likely forever 21) saponaceous.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteI'm freehugsandwaffles on tumblr, obeseanorexic on instagram, armsaim on twitter, and my soundcloud is my name (Haley Peterson).
ReplyDeleteIf I were to win, I'd honestly use the money to help me reach my goal. I need $900 to be able to compete in Miss Teen Wisconsin. This would help a lot.
Lovely giveaway! 500 days of summer is one of my favorite movie! :) and what would i buy with $100? i have so many ideas. maybe i would travel a little :) anyways thanks for doing this giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteTumblr; homocatsinspace
ReplyDeleteTwitter; Fagmagoo
With the hundred dollars, I could put that towards buying my boyfriend something nice for our 1 year anniversary. <3
omg you are actually the best!! i have very little luck in these things but since you are super nice and positive and we can all win, i keep trying! ahah
ReplyDeletethank you for doing this! i loved every item (specially the chance to read Looking for Alaska + NYX items!)
For $100 i'd probably buy cell phone cases or clothes (specially those t-shirts on DLM because of international pricing!) ooor you know: save until i have more to travel *-*
-anembrace (tumblr)
perfectionofporcelain/Máddji/@ClockworkedDoll here.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably get more art supplies with the money, or put it with what I'm getting paid from a mural to go towards either cosplay, needed whatever, my next convention, or whatever...? It's hard to decide...
By the way, thank you very much for doing this! I've never won a giveaway, but I feel I might actually have a chance with this. Thanks for taking the time to do it!!
I would use a little of it on books and the rest would go towards presents for my therapy dog.
ReplyDeleteI would most likely put the 100$ into my savings for my new Macbook that I really want. Thank you kindly for this great giveaway opportunity <3
ReplyDelete(leaninglark @ tumblr)
I would use the $100 to see my boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteHiya! I follow you on tumblr (augustuswaters), soundcloud (MiaBodds) and twitter (miabodds i think?) and I would spend the $100 (after converting it into pounds!) on trying to have the best summer yet! Thank you so so much for this opportunity! xxx
ReplyDeleteTumblr: tonsilitis.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteFollowing via email: cr4mpz @ live.com
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/boyparts
Twitter: @kittymunn
Thanks for the giveaway :D
If I won the $100 I'd most likely save it or blow it all on books!
Hi there! My instagram & twitter is @thirstyforsouls, Tumblr is @squidbilly, Soundcloud is my name - Daniella Bonagura & I'm following your blog as well under a sub - feelyourbones@gmail.com :)
ReplyDeleteWhat would I buy with $100? A much needed date with my fiance at either Shogun or Saigon Cafe :)
Thank you!
I'm a follower!(BunnyHumps on tumblr) I'd use the $100 towards bills and other fun sucking things and enjoy the heck out of everything else. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI would use the 100 bucks to buy a 10 month subscription to merchbox.
ReplyDeleteIT's a site that sends you a box full of stuff each month, and people sometimes get ipads and stuff from it but generally it's really cool stuff UvU
Also I'm sweet-plush-rump on tumblr.
with $100 id buy a buttload of candy. i already follow your twitter (emmalinebj) and instagram (emmalineelouise) and tumblr (emmalion69) love you girl! you have the most amazing giveaways!
ReplyDeletemy tumblr is thesecellardoors and with a 100 dollars I would buy ALOT of books. haha too love john green and havent gotten my own copy of TFIOS so it would be really nice to win this!
ReplyDeleteWow, with $100 I would buy my sister the iPhone 4s she really wants. Her birthday is coming up on the 17th and she has been asking for one forever. I think that would be nice to surprise her with. :3
ReplyDeleteI follow you on
Tumblr - http://kashakakes.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @AkashaPheonix
Email/Blog: jezzy134@live.com
tumblr: themageofsquids.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteemail: isewsquids@gmail.com
twitter: @MageOfSquids
the $100 would either go to buying my friend a 3DS, since she sold hers last year to buy her family Christmas presents, or to my college fund, which would help a lot since I don't currently have a job...
What I'd do with the $100? I'd probably give it to my mom because she earns it. she never does anything for her self and if i win this give a way i'd give it to her.
ReplyDeleteShe'd probably spend it on gas money to go back and fourth to work but it'll still be worth it. :D she's my best friend and i wouldn't ask for a better mother than her. she deserves it more than me.
Tumblr: /fishyvag
instagram: @insta_emmie
twitter: drowning_sea
soundcloud: Emillie Reck
email: paying.emmie@gmail.com
This is an amazing giveaway! Thank youuu :')
ReplyDeleteI would use $100 to go to Montreal to hang out with my sister. I live in Toronto and I'm trying to save up money for the train there and for a hotel and everything. Hopefully I can go because i love my sister to bits and i love Montreal.
I followed you on tumblr on both my blogs: cherirn and d-ndelions
I also followed you on instagram: nadiamuffin
And twitter: kingdom_key
And soundcloud: nadiamuffin
Email: nadiaabbas97@gmail.com
Anyways thanks love, you're the best! c:
The $100 would either help me pay for my college classes or help my friend fix her car so that we could get to school without having to ask everyone for a ride.
ReplyDeleteprobably buy a pair of in-ear monitors! i heard my college is going to be quite a party school lol...
ReplyDeletebtw, i follow you on tumblr: prado-red
&&email: prado.red
I will probably buy Sperrys. britlikeslimes.tumblr My twitter and instagram are both @britlikeslimes
ReplyDeleteI'd use the $100 for the textbooks I need this fall semester ❀
ReplyDeletewith the 100$ I would buy a bunch of tickets to local venues to see awesome concerts :D I'm following you on this blog, twitter, soundcloud and tumblr AND this is an awesome giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteI'd save the money for my college books. :)
ReplyDeleteoh i forgot to say, i already followed your blog for the other giveaway (im thesecellardoors) This is a really great giveaway
ReplyDeleteMy tumblr is michaelamwilson, I'm already following :)
ReplyDeleteWith the $100 I would pay for dates with my boyfriend for once! He always pays and I feel like I owe him :)
I don't know what I'd buy with $100. Chances are I'd either save it until my brother asked me for some money or maybe just spend it on a few things when I hang out with my friends so I can stop feeling bad for mooching off them all the time. Oh! Or I could start saving it so that I can buy a grooming table or force dryer so that I can start grooming my neighbor's dogs since I'm having so much trouble actually finding a place to hire me. By the way I'm already following your tumblr. (Aibohp)
ReplyDeleteI would buy David Tennant's White converse shoes. And some weird-colored lip tar (like orange or purple). And then I would get some pancakes, and maybe share them.
ReplyDeleteI would spend $100 on a lot of awesome games that were featured in E3. =D
ReplyDeleteWith $100 I would buy clothes for work so I could look professional and adhere to the dress code (I don't have clothes that fit in with any dress code, so whenever I do get a job, hopefully soon, I'll have to buy some anwyay). Or take people for lunch. That's always fun.
ReplyDeleteI would probably spend it all on clothing online, there are so many things in my amazon wishlist! I followed you on tumblr, twitter, instagram, and soundcloud, and all of them should be couldbesun, if not then Sun Richter. thank you!
ReplyDeletetwitter=sainthilton tumblr=sainthilton
ReplyDeleteI would buy food and paint by numbers
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletetumblr, ofknightandspace; instagram, thespaceknight. i'd probably spend it on a chest binder and maybe a piece or two from modcloth.
ReplyDeleteWith that money I would probably by film for my camera. Tumblr is arms-and-ankles I've already followed you in a past giveaway.
ReplyDeletehm id probably buy clothes bcuz the one i have now are not modern at all and i would like to look like the other girls in the town
ReplyDeleteWith $100, I'd either put it all towards paying off my loan, or part of it towards my loan and spend the rest on thrifty pieces of clothing for a new wardrobe. :) My tumblr is poofball-kitties and I'm already following this blog. :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to say that I would save the $100 and use it to get a couple used textbooks next year for my first semester of college. But, honestly, I would probably end up blowing it on food (okay, fine, chocolate) and presents for my friends.
Hello! Nice to meet you again. My name is Brittany Spiva and with the $100 i would put it towards helping my mum pay bills and for gas money. This summer has been rough and I would love to give her the money so that she can use it for paying off those payments. The rest of the supplies I will enjoy. It's just the thought that counts and I appreciate you doing a giveaway. You are so sweet! I am glad we have thoughtful people like you in the world. Thank you.. brittbrattchitchat.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteI’d probably use the money for my dad’s birthday, father’s day, paying fees, emergency money, shopping, food, and/or add to my colledge fund and/or trip to europe to see my whole family that i haven’t seen in 3 years. Yeah it’s just $100 but that’s still a lot
ReplyDeleteim trusting-desires.tumblr.com and im julie_pow1397 on instagram and bejulled on twitter. i would probably go shopping with my sister and buy both of us clothes and get paint to do cool crafts (:
ReplyDeleteThat $100 would let me be halfway to buying the phone I want, even with upgrade they are so expensive :)
ReplyDeleteTumblr: cancer-free-me
Tumblr: reblogged (cancer-free-me)
instagram: @cancer_free_me
twitter: @cancer_free_me
email: classy_mommie@yahoo.com
With $100, I'd really like to put it off and save it for a rainy day, but then again, I'd also like for to go towards paying for either a new portable gaming system or an mp3 player.
ReplyDeletejustjazzy00 @ tumblr: I'd probably also spend some of it on food, not gonna lie. food is good.
ReplyDeleteI would buy a good professsional mic, i really need one and i don't have the money for it ):
ReplyDeleteI'd probably go on a Lush haul! :D
ReplyDeleteWith $100 dollars I would try to talk myself into saving it, but I'd probably end up putting it in my Euro Forever trip fund!
ReplyDeleteAnother Comment: I followed you and reposted your beautiful song Cotton Candy Dreams. I also posted it onto my twitter.
ReplyDeleteTumblr: brittbrattchitchat.tumblr
Instagram: brittbrattchitchat
Twitter: be_MesCudi
Soundcloud: brittbrattchitchat
Email: bspiva44@yahoo.com
Twitter: be_mesCudi
ReplyDeleteFor $100 dollars, I'd probably get film for my Polaroid! already followed you on tumblr from before: waterwornwishes
ReplyDeleteFor $100, I'd honestly spend it on textbooks since they run you about 1/3 your soul these days, and if there's any left over, fabric to make more clothes with. :)
ReplyDeleteFor $100 dollars, I'd go visit my grandma and cousins in California. I haven't seen them in 5 years! I've followed you on tumblr twitter and instagram (nujanes, nujanes_) and such. I have you on feedburner now but I'm trying to figure out how to follow you onto my blogger dashboard! xo
ReplyDeleteWhat would I do with $100? Probably put it towards the new computer I need for school, or buy some text books. (oops, I'm boring)
ReplyDeleteWith 100$ I would buy myself a pair or 2 of cute shoes so I don't have to keep wearing my boring ones
ReplyDeleteClothes. Definitely clothes.
ReplyDeleteI would put $100 toward buying a Disneyland annual pass, I haven't been in so long I want to return and visit with my closest friends!
ReplyDeleteThat journal looks gorgeous. I would probably use the hundred dollars while I'm away at camp, seems like a good place to use it. And the timeline would fit as well :D I also follow you on every site, (all the names have shea butter in them I'm pretty sure except for tumblr, 'standandwaves')
ReplyDeleteWow! With the $100, I'd probs get myself some nice things for my iPod. Like, a fancy case and buying songs and clothes and things. I don't get an allowance or anything, so that would go to pocket money. I'd use it to go to all the awesome movies coming out this year like City of Bones and PJO 2. I already follow you on tumblr, instagram, blogspot, and twitter, and i just followed your soundcloud!
ReplyDeleteI would use that money to buy my little brother something for his birthday on the 31st (even if it is a little late). He's turning 10. I would also buy some new converse since mine are getting old. My twitter is @krunchysockz amnd so is my Instagram and tumblr.
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on instagram and tumblr already. If I won I would put that $100 towards my new puppy.
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on tumblr and twitter already (scootypuffsjr) and I'd send the money to my family in Colombia or use it to pay some bills or get some clothes
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on twitter and tumblr already(@AnnDysfun & http://anndysfunctional.tumblr.com/). If I won the money I would go to The Pretty Reckless concert.
ReplyDeleteI followed you on tumblr (omgwtfbaby) twitter (bigfaterin) soundcloud (chelsea garrett) I also reblogged the post on tumblr <3
ReplyDeleteIf I won the $100 I would use it to get stuff for my kid's birthday that is coming up! It is Adventure Time themed and we are renting a waterslide bounce house! An extra $100 would make the party extra dope!
Twitter: @jackievangore
ReplyDeleteInstagram: jackievangore
Tumblr: arisenphoenix.tumblr.com
With the gift card I'd probably try and apply it to a swimsuit on Modcloth's site. Being a bigger girl, they cost more! And they offer so many cute ones!
I follow all of your other sites except for Instagram. With a 100$ I would buy a cute pair of shoes from either modcloth or some other online website since I can never find any cute one's that fit in stores!
ReplyDeleteWith 100 dollars I would probably buy some new clothes from Torrids. It's really hard to find fashionable clothes when you're a whole lot of woman like myself and when I DO find them they're super expensive! So 100 bucks would at least help me add one or two pieces to my growing wardrobe. =)
With $100 I would either get another dress or some nice shoes.
ReplyDeleteI'm only on blogspot and tumblr so I'll just be content with like 13 entries. :) My url is kiyotea.tumblr.com so you know.
I honestly am overwhelmed by all of this, but if I won, I would put the $100 in my savings for my trip to California!! I am so excited to visit my pen pal!! :3
ReplyDeleteIf I won, I would spend the money on cute clothes on Taobao. (My Tumblr is Princess-JessieKate)
ReplyDeleteIf I had $100 to spend freely, I would take my Gramma out for dinner. She's been possibly the biggest influence in my life, showing me how wonderful food is, teaching me how to make things, having real tea parties, and giving me the opportunity to join the Girl Guides of Canada when I was little. She's a wonderful woman but she lives alone and she gets lonely so I think she deserves to be taken out to dinner.
If I won the $100 I would put it in savings for my trip to Florida in August. I would go crazy at a huge mall down there [:
ReplyDeleteI am following on tumblr (highcountrygirl.tumblr.com)
I am following on twitter (@skw512)
I am following on soundcloud (Samantha Woods)
I reblogged on tumblr (http://highcountrygirl.tumblr.com/post/53202482695/elainalosersmith-giveaway-full)
I commented (Sam Woods http://elainalosersmith.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_15.html?showComment=1371486352619#c6096954184102515187)
Hi im nothing-has-a-meaning on tumblr and i sent you like 10 fan messages lol with 100 bucks id probably buy clothes because i lost all my clothes when i moved two days ago :(
ReplyDeleteI would probably buy some lolita!
ReplyDeleteSince i lost my job, my income has greatly decreased and I really want a new coordinate to wear around. If i had any left it would go in savings~
I think i've done most of the entries, i've already followed you on tumblr, subscribed to your blog, followed you on twitter ect ;P
Everything but soundcloud I think. -Lilake1
I would probably spend it all of band merch
ReplyDeleteI have already followed you on twitter and tumblr and my url is:betterthanthethingswewant
I'm rutherfordbirchardhayess.tumblr.com and with $100 I would invest in having an amazing summer. I would buy some cute summery clothes, and invest in some concert tickets, because I've never been to a concert before in my life, even though I'm 15. I would buy some music to support my favorite bands as well, and maybe even buy some presents for my friends.
ReplyDeleteI would buy art and craft supplies to help me starting my university course in September, thanks for the giveaway opportunity, you're awesome and very kind xx
ReplyDeleteI'm tobecontinuedinthelabyrinth on tumblr and with 100 dollars I'd probably buy all of the pizza you feel me
ReplyDeleteI would save some money so i'd be able to visit my internet friend tori, and then i'd buy loads of awesome books and a huge amount of harry potter merch :D
ReplyDeleteWith $100, I would love to buy more books and possibly some new clothes, as right now I currently only have one box of clothes. Moving sucks, man.
ReplyDelete~ cestnikki.tumblr.com
I would save the $100 to help pay for the tattoo I've been wanting to get for my grandparents. My papa died in January of 2012 and this is a way I can really remember him and my mawmaw I never got to know. And jeans, because I only have shorts and dresses (which I currently share with my sisters).
ReplyDeleteHi there, followed you on tumblr with autumncayleigh as well as reblogged the post, and followed soundcloud with autumncayleigh as well.
ReplyDeleteWith $100 I'd put it towards college applications (i'm lame, but honest) because that stuff gets EXPENSIVE.
This is a wonderful giveaway! With $100, I would put it in my savings to go on a foreign exchange to France!xx
ReplyDeletereblogged on tumblr : muni562
ReplyDeletefollowed on tumblr : muni562
followed on soundcloud : muni562
followed this blog : muni562
followed on instagram : kialeeoneill
followed on twitter : muni562
I would put the $100 into my class fees for school
For $100, I would probably pay for textbooks. If I didn't have to be so practical about it, I would buy LOTS of baking supplies and have a baking day with my little brother and sister before I go back to school in August.
ReplyDeleteI would spend $100 on books, makeup and probably some Nirvana related things (singles,band tees, etc.).
ReplyDeleteWith $100 I would most likely save it to buy an amazing camera.
ReplyDeleteAlso I already follow your blog and tumblr. (:
I would put the $100 towards a ticket to Disneyland so I could go with my mum before I move out of Cali.
I would add the $100 to my camera savings :D
I'd probably either save the $100 towards moving out of my house or put it towards getting my first tattoo
ReplyDeleteMy tumblr is letsleepingswordslie ^^
ReplyDeleteI'd buy the Angel by Thierry Mugler body lotion with $100 :3
With $100 I'd probably buy clothes from storenvy or books by Thomas Harris :D
ReplyDeletetumblr: lullabyhew.tumblr.com
ReplyDeletetwitter: lullabyhew
im going to buy more art supplies *u* and buy a gift for my mother since her birthday is coming up, and buy some tees (=
Well if I won the $100 I would buy some clothes, toys, and baby food for my new baby brother so I can help out some.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a new camera lens and more drawing pens! - gingerpeanuts.tumblr.com
ReplyDeletereblogged on tumblr : skeletalkae
ReplyDeletefollowed on tumblr : skeletalkae
followed on soundcloud : skeletalkae
followed this blog : skeletalkae
followed on twitter : skeletalkae
With $100, I would probably add some money to my Vans Warped Tour fund as well as buy some cute accessories and makeup that I spotted on etsy.
reblogged on tumblr: ravensmuse
ReplyDeletefollowed on tumblr: ravensmuse
commented on blog: Cari
followed on soundcloud: Cari
followed this blog: Cari
followed on twitter: CariCatherine
followed on instagram: cx1286
With $100 I would be able to buy Kate Nash tickets for my birthday and maybe buy a tank of gas to go visit my friends in Jacksonville, whom I haven't seen in 3 years.
Kate Nash tickets! Definitely a good way to spend some extra cash. I would love to see her perform!
DeleteI'd save the $100 in my vacation fund
ReplyDeletetwitter follower @holly_gardens
I would put that $100 in with the rest of my savings for a car. Asking rides for work is stressful and I'm already stressed enough as it is.
ReplyDeleteI would use the 100$ to take a new tattoo!
ReplyDeleteTumblr: leodragonvaldez.tumblr.com
I would use the money for my next holiday, to go towards the costs of travel and hotel
ReplyDeletefollowed on tumblr: thewinchesterinitiative
I would use the $100 for a shopping trip in the Disney store.
ReplyDeletetwitter: spiritedwords
ReplyDeleteInstagram: spiritedwords
Tumblr: broadgrassbby
I would save up the $100 with some other graduation money I have now, and fly to NYC and see a show on Broadway :) I <3 theatre!
With the 100 dollars, I would use it to go toward getting a 3Ds or Animal Crossing New Leaf!
ReplyDeleteI could get my cracked windshield fixed on my car!! Or buy groceries, food is good. :p
ReplyDeletei would add the $100 to the money i already have, and buy a guitar ^.^
ReplyDeleteHey Elaina! I already follow you on Tumblr and I would probably buy some phone cases and some cute clothes!
ReplyDeleteBtdubs, my Tumblr is lasombrerealoca! :)
ReplyDeleteI would buy my sister new clothes because she gained a lot of weight and my parents cant afford to but her anything new and nothing of hers fits anymore.
ReplyDeleteWith $100 i would finally have some spending money. I would buy a new phone case because my favorite one is all torn to shit now. and I haven't bought new clothes since I had to return christmas clothes that didn't fit right. Im desperate. also, pickleblanket is my url.
ReplyDeleteI'm plumptastic on tumblr and instagram! With $100 I would be able to buy a monthly CTA pass so I can actually get to school! My financial aid almost completely dropped, so I'm paying mostly out of pocket for tuition and whatnot.
ReplyDeleteI would spend my $100 on awesome things for my new apartment I'm moving into in August.
ReplyDeleteTumblr/Instagram: resinfiend
ReplyDeleteWith $100 I would probably do something boring: Go to the doctor. I've had an undiagnosed chronic illness for three years now, I'm gettin so bad I can't cook or clean or work. There's no free clinics near me and the low-cost clinic's fee and cost of bloodwork will run me about that much. Once I get taken care of, I will finally physically be able to get a job again and support myself.
(And man all that other stuff sure would help with my self image and depression).
I would use the 100$ to buy some books and stuff for school :)
ReplyDeleteTumblr: meowbutt.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteTwitter: mauvey
With $100, I'd probably save it or use it to buy some much needed shorts for summer.
Tumblr: speakermouth (followed and reblogged!)
ReplyDeleteTwitter: _inreverie
Instagram: tiffanyvillalpando
Soundcloud: Tiffany Villalpando
Commented here: http://elainalosersmith.blogspot.com/2013/05/one-piece-swimsuit-peach-dress.html?showComment=1371587023930#c6712191740275523651
I could so use $100 to buy art supplies for my Etsy store! Love your blog, so glad this giveaway introduced me to it! xx
What's your etsy store?!
DeletePS: Followed this blog with Blogger!
With $100 I would buy a couple vinyl records I've been eyeing but can't bring myself to purchase just yet, or put it towards a beach trip I'm planning before I move to Tulsa.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm following you on tumblr, twitter, and instagram (all ohyouvandal). This is a great giveaway!
kayarghhh on tumblr and instagram!
ReplyDeletei would buy knitting supplies
la-girafe on tumblr & @kayaksagas on twitter;
ReplyDeleteI would buy new paint and a lot of fruit!
I'm saving for a camera, so I'd probably use it for that. (it's really sweet of you to do this by the way!)
ReplyDeletehey there,
ReplyDeletesleepless-constellations.tumblr.com is my blog and twitter username is @tesssssaa:) what i would spend $100 on either clothes or add to my fund for my australia trip with my best friend :) $200 till my goal is reached :)
Either on more clothes or into my Macbook fund-saver it goes xD
ReplyDeleteI would add the $100 to my savings for a trip to London and buy lovely new clothes
ReplyDeleteWith $100, I would buy clothes and face products that would make me feel more confident and comfortable in my own skin because that's very, very important to me.
ReplyDeleteI would use the money to change the oil in my car. I know that's kind of a lame answer but the modcloth gift card is going to be put to good use that's for sure. :3 My name on everything (tumblr, twitter etc.) Is Pixie ala mode in some variation or another. This is a great contest! Thanks for hosting it.
ReplyDeleteI would use the 100 dollars to help pay for my college. And I would use the modcloth gift certificate to get something cute! (puppywolves on tumblr, charmandersstyles on ig, and shorslynch on twitter :))
ReplyDeleteI would use the 100 dollars to help pay for college - I'm an incoming freshman to major in acting at NYU, and although a lot of my tuition is already paid in scholarship money (thank goodness) I still have a lot left to pay off, and I would rather be less in debt than more. :) As for modcloth, I'm completely in love with fashion and dresses, but I think I really want to get a nice light wash denim jacket that I can sew girly feminist patches onto. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm lastofthetimeladies/clitorissaurus on tumblr (I reblogged your giveaway to clitorissaurus but followed your tumblr with my main, which is lastofthetimeladies), justforthespark on instagram, and pizzasexuality on twitter. Go you for being as organized as to put this whole giveaway together - it's very generous of you. Thanks, and have a wonderful day! :)
With $100 I would but pretty new lingerie and go out to dinner with friends!
ReplyDeleteHahah, sounds like a good way to spend it indeed!
DeleteI would use the $100 for a wedding gift for my big sister!
ReplyDeletei would put the $100 towards gas money to visit my sister!
ReplyDeleteWow! With $100, I would spend $50 to fix up my old computer and use the other half to help pay for college! (I followed you via tumblr on my main account [-dudeman] and also reblogged your tumblr post concerning the giveaway; I followed you on soundcloud with my account [xheartbeet]; I commented on this blogspot post; and finally, I followed you on here via my e-mail [gabrielaasnaran@gmail.com])
ReplyDeleteI just recently changed the URL of my tumblr account, so instead of [-dudeman] I am now [pastelbroth].
DeleteNext summer I have been given the opportunity to go to Europe through my state's Ambassadors of Music program because I was nominated by my choir director. It is not a cheap trip, and I am trying to raise as much money as possible for the trip because I know it will be a great financial burden on my family. They all know the great learning opportunity this will be for me, though, so they want me to go. I feel bad for taking this significant amount of money from them so I want to pay for some of it myself and that is what I would put the $100 dollars towards.
ReplyDeleteOur family is losing our house, My mum lost her job and I need clothes for the new school year thats starting soon, I dont have anything that fits.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would give my mom the $100 for being a super awesome mother. Ideally I would like her to use it to pamper herself. She works very hard and has been a single mother my whole life. She deserves to be treated like a queen.
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on Tumblr: theinkbunnycorner.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteAnd this blog as princess.starlight22@hotmail.com
And for the hundred dollars, since I need to convert them into MXN, it would most likely allow me to buy my dad trousers, he's in real bad need of a few new ones, his current ones could be ten years old for all I know and that's not a very good image in his line of work. Or maybe half for my dad and half for my mum, she needs shoes for her job also and it's kinda hard to find shoes her size without dishing out a good amount of money, her feet are so small. XD
I would totally take the $100 dollars with me to San Diego Comic Con and spend it all on stuff. Which could be either art prints, buttons (most likely buttons, gotta add to my ever growing collection after all I think it is at some 150+) maybe some other random artist creation, or possibly some official licensed goods.
ReplyDeletei would use it to help out my friend, who's parents and family are having a fund raiser sort of thing to raise money for her chemo treatment.
ReplyDeletemy twitter- Dani_Silence_
ReplyDeletemy soundcloud- Dani Silence
and do the entries count if you are already following you on the sites you mentioned?
DeleteI'm planetlys or lslys on tumblr and whispernaut everywhere else. I would spend the $100 on some candles from Candles by Victoria and the rest would go towards my road trip fund.
ReplyDeleteNow that I think of it, i'd probably put 50 towards a new desk and 50 towards lolita.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, im indescisive
Lowlifeeee.tumblr.com, I follow you on instagram, tumblr, and if I had a hundred bucks I would def buy me and my little brother some clothes. :)
ReplyDeleteWith the 100$ I would actually go towards my wedding ring fund, my fiance and I plan on getting our wedding rings tattooed on our ring finger. c:
ReplyDeleteew-thats -gay (tumblr user)
With $100 I'd buy these ridiculous plastic sandals that seem overpriced and I can't bother spending my money that I've actually earned on them. I've been lusting after them for months hoping to get a sudden windfall that I could put towards these gorgeous babies.
ReplyDeletetumblr user: illomened
twitter: knivveschau
With $100 I'd probably buy a new Nintendo 3DS if I couple it with my birthday money. I've been badly in need for a couple of years now, ha.
ReplyDeletetumblr: talktomeinsirensong
if i got 100 dollars, i'd probably spend it going to places with people i think are decent and my brother's birthday.
ReplyDeletetumblr: 2hou
tumblr: mizzizzpurrrfekt.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteIf I had $100 I'd probably blow it all on food (Hello Olive Garden!) or clothes or books. Or, I might do what my mom suggests and start saving for a new laptop... But, the need for food would probably win out.
i'd put it towards my book collection or save it for my "get an apartment with my partner away from her parents" fund :P (persephoneschild.tumblr.com)
ReplyDeleteI would save the $100 (17andyoudontknowme)
ReplyDeleteSoundcloud- JocelynRochele
ReplyDeleteTumblr- d3linquents.tumblr.com
Instagram- j0celynr0chele
Twitter- @sadteen4l
With the $100, I'd buy school books or put it towards driving school/a car that I so desperately need. I'd either do those or put it towards helping my parents out with some things while we're having financial problems for awhile.
I would spend the $100 on groceries! I know.. I'm lame. :-)
ReplyDeleteWith the $100, I would use it to reshape my closet and put it into savings to save up for a new camera for my cosplay pictures. I'm re-doing my closet because I've spent most of my life hiding behind clothes I hate.
ReplyDeleteTumblr - kawaiijapanesekisses.tumblr.com
I'd buy the two Naked eye shadow pallets with the $100! :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to see Paul McCartney before he dies and his concert tickets are really expensive. I've never been to a concert but it would be really nice if I had $100 because money doesn't come very easy for me and my family. Good luck everyone <3 Tumblr: toofabulousforyou.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteIf I had $100 I would put it towards seeing my best friend that just moved to Boston. Plane tickets are expensiveee
ReplyDeleteI would put the $100 towards my "Gina needs a 3DS and Animal Crossing New Leaf" fund
ReplyDeleteIf I won the 100$, I would put it towards my Lolita fund! I'm in the process of saving up for my dream dress and it would put me right at my desired amount.
ReplyDeleteWith that $100 I'd buy a pair of tickets to a White Lies concert because they are amazing!
ReplyDeleteFollow on instagram @christinadragan
Twitter @kris_tinaD
Soundcloud - Christina D
Tumblr - christinadragan.tumblr.com
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followed this blog : e-phemerals
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with the $100 i'd develop some film i've had for months and maybe buy a few shirts :3
reblogged on tumblr: supershoujo
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followed on intagram: theksia
folloed on twitter: @castopia
Buy a k-pop album of my favorite group, SHINee. The rest, I will have some cute animal biscuit and a delicious tea, for eat when I listen the music.
reblogged this post - stefaniegladden
ReplyDeletefollow my tumblr for 5 entries - stefaniegladden
comment on this post telling me what you would buy with $100 - I would buy some new summer dresses !!!
follow this blog - stefanie.gladden@gmail.com
follow my instagram - stefaniegladden
follow my twitter - stephcouponsxx
ReplyDeletewith $100 dollars I would buy stuff for my campers and a few shirts related to my camp name at the summer camp that I counsel at!
my tumblr: katiejaguar.tumblr.com
I also reblogged this post and liked it :) thanks for doing this!
With $100 I would buy a starters make-up artist kit so I can start my dream of becoming a freelance make-up artist and hopefully working at MAC one day :) I've wanted to start this dream for years, because I know I have what it takes, I just don't have the money it takes.
ReplyDeleteWith 100$ I'd buy flowers and dark chocolate for my boyfriend and I would spoil myself with some online shopping mostly on eBay so I can get more for less.
ReplyDeleteI would like to help pay for my rats surgery. She has a tumor and I don't work a lot. Plus my boyfriend leaves to the Marines this monday and he won't be here to help me with the payments.
ReplyDeletea lot of clothesss!!
ReplyDeleteFor 100 dollars I would definitely buy a Gamzee cosplay outfit
Followed on Tumblr, Reblogged on Tumblr: bythemivonks
ReplyDeleteFollowed on Twitter: bronasaur
Followed on Soundcloud: bronasaurus
Followed on Instagram: bronasaur
Followed this blog: bronasaur at gmail dot com
I would spend the $100 on some really nice perfume that I would otherwise feel too guilty to spend money on.
Followed/reblogged: almostpizzas
ReplyDeleteFollowed on twitter: lesliegropes
Followed on instagram: fionamyers
I would spend $100 towards a Nintendo 3DS for my boyfriend so we can play Animal Crossing together c:
commenting for your give away bby :) its kerstin!
ReplyDeletecommenting for your give away bby :) its kerstin!
ReplyDeleteI followed you on tumblr: ravishingvibes
ReplyDeleteI followed you on Instagram: unicornbarf
I followed you on twitter: _VanessasWorld_
With 100$ I could get many things that I usually wouldn't be allowed to get. I could get a bunch of makeup, new shoes, or some new clothes. And if there was any left over money I would most likely save it :)
Hi lovely c: I just want to say, you are so wonderful for doing what you are doing. you have an amazing voice and an amazing heart.
ReplyDeletemy name is nautica, but most people call me shay :)
I reblogged your post on tumblr, followed you on tumblr, followed you on soundcloud, am commenting on this post, following you on instagram, and commented on your blog post :)
With $100 I would give 80 to my family and then keep the 40 for something important.
god bless you dear.
ummmm. if i won that money id probably just buy a whole bunch of toys for my dog :3 hes sooo cute and i love him. and i would get him a new collar cuz the other one broke when he got out of the yard :( hes a little Pomeranian and hes soooooo mischievous. i would get him one of this squeaky doughnuts!!!! omg that would be awesome ^w^ thank you for reading my ramblings. and thanks so much for doin this awesome give away. it makes me wanna do one!!!! look out i might put something just as cool as you have ^^ hehe
ReplyDeletewith $100, i'd probably buy CDs and albums of my favorite bands...or maybe save it up for a new iPod... either one ^^
ReplyDelete<< puritie @ tumblr >>
With $100 I would buy either cosplay stuff or but convention tickets so that me and my best friend who I never get to see anymore could go do something fun that we both enjoy :)
ReplyDeleteThe $100 would go to buying textbooks for college lol
ReplyDeleteWith $100 I would probably save it for my Otakon trip or spend it on cute clothes and cosplay.
ReplyDeleteFor $100, I'd probably put it towards saving up for a car or theatre camp, haha :)
ReplyDeleteI'd give $75 to my parents because I'd always ask them for money and $25 to my sister because we spend a lot of time together and she always buys me food and stuff. I think it's about time to give back (:
ReplyDeleteTumblr: born-to-be-a-skank
I would buy kpop merchandise with the $100. There's gonna be so many comebacks this summer and my wallet is not ready for the albums.
ReplyDeleteWith one hundred dollars I'd probably put it away until I'm eighteen, however, if I did spend it I'd probably buy merchandise from my favorite shows/movies.
I would probably buy some clothes because almost all of them are pretty old and I dont like them anymore so...
ReplyDeleteI would also buy a few geeky things on etsy, I guess. :)
(my tumblr is mad-den.tumblr.com & i'm following you btw)
im following you on tumblr: what-a-lovely-sinner
ReplyDeleteinstagram: i-fall-down-sometimes
your blog
and i cant remember if i already said my twitter, but its: danisaurroar
If I had $100 I would probably buy my friend a binder and myself and my gf something and the rest would go towards my families bills bc we have like nooooo money (my tumblr is koinochocolate)
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on tumblr, twitter, your blog, and sound cloud, and I would buy lots of clothes! My blog is luunaa-lovegood.
ReplyDeleteWith $100, I'd buy materials and makeup for cosplay, then save whatever was left over in my bank account >u< (I'm great at stretching money, so I bet there actually would be some left over).
ReplyDeletetumblr- xxnephaelia-vondaemonenxx
soundcloud- nephaelia vondaemonen
I also just followed this blog with the email xxnephaeliaxx,
ReplyDeleteand I followed you on instagram- xxnephaeliaxx
I would buy a Fem!Sam wig for a cosplay, go to Olive Garden with my love, buy material for my Serah Farron cosplay, and save the rest for National American Miss pageant next year!
ReplyDeleteWith $100, I would buy some cosplay materials!
I would put it into my college savings or splurge on clothes.